Hi there blogging world,
Thank you for coming to visit my learning blog.This will be my last post because I am going on holiday.I have enjoyed using this blog to share my learning with you all.I hope you have enjoyed reading about my learning too.
Blog you later,
Monday, December 12, 2016
Monday, November 21, 2016
My national library book 2
Today Room 7 have picked a national library book.We had to read these library books for 15 minutes and after those 15 minutes we had to answer 6 questions that were related to the books that we read.Then we made thing links and put our answers in our thing links. I hope you enjoy looking at my thing link and please feel free to comment thanks.

Thursday, November 17, 2016
My thing link
Today Room 7 had to pick a national library book to read for 15 minutes. I choose Beware of the storybook wolves. when we finished reading our books we had to answer 6 questions and our questions were related to our books that we read. Then we all made thing links and put our questions and answers on there.So I really hope you like my thing link and please feel free to comment.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Where were you born?????
Today Room 7 have been working with James and we have been working on our maps and in these maps we have put where we were born. We have been working on these maps so we can see where people were born all over the world in the maps there were most people who were born in the Auckland hospital and today we watched a video with Jame called the Lie.The lie is about white people being racist about dark people, I have put the video on the bottom and it comes with a warning so beware and please feel free to comment:)
How far have some students travelled in their lifetime to reach WPS?
Malaysia to WPS is 9.068 km
Why do people make the choice to move to different countries?
People make the choice to move countries because the country that they are living in was dangerous, dirty and not good for their kids to live in.
Is this a trend in NZ society? What does the media tell us?
Yes I think immigration from all over the world is coming to Auckland.
Here is the video of the lie.
WARNING:Do not feel sad or cry!!!
WARNING:Do not feel sad or cry!!!
The Lie from Untitled Productions on Vimeo.
I felt pretty sad about this video because we found out that a boy was deaf in this video.It made me sad because there were a lot of dark people that got abused about their colour and if you have been abused because of your colour please comment about that in the comment section.
My favourite Idol person
This week Room 7 have been making slides about our favourite person or team. We then had to do some investigations to find out interesting facts about them. I selected Maria Tutaia because she's really good at Netball and she is really kind and she is in my favourite team in Netball, SILVER FERNS!
I hope you enjoy my slide of Maria Tutaia and please feel free to comment
Thursday, September 15, 2016
My mythical creature
Room 7 have been making Mythical Creatures for the Waikowhai Primary Art Show. I called my mythical creature Snake-Area. We made our mythical creatures out of clay and made amazing backdrops to match. We also created a google presentation to go with our art and linked it to QR code so our parent could read the story about our creature. The colours I used were dark green, light yellow, dark purple, violet, red, and white. This was so my Clay work was nice and colourful and stood out. I had a lot of fun making my Mythical Creature and blending a lot of colours. Above is my clay work and below is my Presentation i hope you like it. Feel free to leave a comment.
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
My book trailer...
This term Room 7 have been making book trailers about our books that we got out from the library. I got out the book spookesville the evil house. I got the images from paranormalglobe.com and here goes my book trailers and be free to comment.
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Room 7's Perfect blog comments.
These are examples of what you need for a perfect blog comment.We gathered up this information with James on Monday. Here are some examples .To make a good blog comment you will need punctuation like capital letters and full stops. Below is a list of other ways to make great comments.
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
My Circuit
On Monday Rooms 7, 8 and 9 were doing a brain box activity and it was huge amount of fun. When my group made the yellow fan fly and the light bulb light I couldn't believe my eyes it was amazing. For the electrical circuit to work you will need the batteries because the batteries supply the electricity to the circuit. If the parts of the circuit are not connected properly the circuit won't work. Here is the creation my group made.
Monday, July 4, 2016
Friday, June 17, 2016
Welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.
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