Bola Vannaka blogging world, this Monday our whole school had a wonderful and fun wheels day. Wheels day is when you bring anything that has wheels on it. My favourite part of wheels day was when me and my friends were racing along the obstacle course and we rode our wheels together. When I was riding my electric scooter a lot of people crowded around me because they wanted to ride my scooter, and half the time other people were riding my scooter even the teachers. We also had some fun activities laid out on the mats on the field. I learnt how to use roller skates and use stilts properly. I hope you guys enjoy scrolling through my images of the wheels day, Please feel free to comment, Blog ya later.
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Friday, December 8, 2017
Mt Ruapehu camp
NOOO! It's almost the end of the year. I'm gonna miss all of my friends and teachers. I had so much fun at school but now our time is done. I had left so many memories in my head and one of my favourite memories was when we went to Mt Ruapehu camp in Hamilton, it was my favourite part of the school year because it was my first time touching snow and my first time skiing and we also had stairs in our rooms and most of the time we were sliding down the stairs and I had so much fun with my friends. Our ride in the bus was about 5 hours and almost everyone fell asleep. The food at our hotel was delicious. We also had a couple of birthdays at camp and the hotel provided us a cake, and the cake was also really delicious. We also had a race down the mountain and I got thrashed by Mr Ross. I have learnt how to ski in the school year. I hope you enjoy scrolling through the images of my school camp. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday, Please feel free to comment, Merry Christmas and happy new year, Blog ya later.
Friday, November 17, 2017
Waitemata soap
Talofa lava blogging world, for the past few weeks Te waka ako have been making products to sell for our school gala day. In Waitemata we made some soap. The ingredients that we needed, is Clear glycerine and white glycerine, food colouring (optional) , scents and moulds, and a microwavable bowl. We got our glycerine's online.
We made all types of soap like oatmeal soap, lemon soap, goats milk and glitter soap.
To make the soap
1.You will need to cut up 6-10 blocks of glycerine into a bowl.
2.Put the bowl with glycerine into the microwave for a couple of minutes until it turns into a glue texture.
3. Take your bowl of glycerine out of the microwave.
4. Pour your glycerine into your moulds.
5. Then add your scent and colour to your glycerine inside of your moulds.
6. Mix it fast.
7. Finally, let it set until it gets hard.
Now that's how you make soap.
I think the most hardest thing about making the soap was adding the colour and scent into the moulds with the glycerine because the glycerine sets really fast. So some of the soap were a bit bumpy at the top because we didn't mix it fast enough. Other then that it was really fun making, because I've never made soap before. I think the soaps that we made were better because the soaps that are in the soaps have chemicals in it and our soaps are organic. I hope you enjoyed scrolling through the images of our soaps, please feel free to comment, Blog ya later.
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Super Finn Novel study
Talofa lava blogging world this week in Te waka Ako we have been completing our slideshow about our Novel studies. For our Novel studies we had to read a story and complete the questions and activities in our slides, some of the activities that we did in our slides were, screen castify, tinker cad and Build your wild self . I learnt how to answer questions and pick up the key points while I am reading a book, I think the hardest thing I had to do in my slide was my Tinker cad, because I'm not really good at detailing my statues and buildings on tinker cad. I really loved completing this slide because I really enjoyed the book that I read and because I enjoyed describing my characters. If you really liked scrolling through my Novel Study please feel free to comment on my blog, Blog ya later.
Friday, October 27, 2017
Nz's journey-Activities in Rotorua
Talofa lava blogging world, this week in Te Waka Ako we have been doing a math activity about a NZ journey. There were plenty of slides that we had to complete, most of the slides were about travelling, and there was a budget of $500 dollars to spend a day.My favourite slide was choosing activities to do in Rotorua, because I've never done the activities that were on the slide. My second favourite slide was choosing our cars, because I've always wanted to drive my own car. While I was completing this slide I learnt how to book a flight on jet star and air new Zealand. I hope you enjoy scrolling through the photos of my two favourite slides. Please feel free to comment, Blog ya later.
Friday, September 29, 2017
Te Waka Ako Dance and music
Talofa lava blogging world, this week in Te Waka Ako we have been rehearsing our dances for the dance competition. For the dance competition we had to practise a dance with music that has no words to it. For our dances we had to come up with some actions that was based on the beats and rhythm to the instrumental song. For my groups dance we have changed the levels of how we moved, and we also made different shapes using our bodies. So as we were getting closer and closer to finding out who is going to perform in front of the whole school during assembly, we had to perform our dances in front of the whole senior syndicate. So when we found out that my group made it into the finals to dance in assembly we rehearsed so much we felt like we were rehearsing a dance for ALDC. We had a lot of fun dancing in front of the whole school. I hope you enjoyed reading my blog post and watching this video of my groups dance, Please feel free to comment on by blog post.
Blog ya later.
Blog ya later.
Friday, September 15, 2017
Cross Country
Namaste Blogging world, This week in Waikowhai Primary school we have had our cross country for 2017. During our whole cross country, I felt very nervous because our run was really long and I didn't know what place I would come. So at the end I came 8th place out of 17th place and last year I came 13 place in cross country, so it was a huge improvement for me. The things that was very challenging for me was running 2 kilometres, and the things I enjoyed the most was having to teach most students how to use Te rakau sticks. I hope you enjoy reading my Blog Post about our 2017 cross country. Please feel free to comment.
Blog ya later.
Blog ya later.
Monday, September 11, 2017
Magical world of crazy science.
Kia Ora blogging world, this week in Waikowhai Primary School, we have had Richard and Robyn come over to demonstrate some wonderful crazy science. In the science show we learnt about H2O(water),fire, bubbles and Polymer. My favourite science performance was the fire demonstration. They made some fire works indoors using a combination of fire, oxygen and fuel. Richard also touched the fire and threw it in the air with his bare hands. Some of the things that I learnt was that bubbles are the thinnest objects in the world that you can see with the human eye. Bubbles are produced when water, soap and air/oxygen are combined together. The things that looked challenging during the science show was learning how to do and make all of these science performances and then having to perform it in front of 200+ kids.
Some of the things that i wondered after the show were....
I wonder if scientific's can help the world become better.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog post about the science show, please feel free to comment, Blog you later.
Some of the things that i wondered after the show were....
I wonder if scientific's can help the world become better.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog post about the science show, please feel free to comment, Blog you later.
Friday, September 8, 2017
My Mountain Poem
Malo lelei Blogging world, This week in Te waka Ako we have been writing and illustrating our mountain poems. In our mountain poems we have to make sure that it rhymes and it makes sense. Our mountain poems had to be 8 lines or more long. My mountain poem is called The Ambush Attack, I thought my mountain poem was really funny and interesting, so I decided to post my mountain poem onto my blog to share it with the whole blogging world. I think the most challenging thing about making our poems is that we had to make sure it rhymed and we had to find out what to draw on our poems.
So I hope you enjoy reading my poem and please feel free to comment.
Blog ya later.
Friday, September 1, 2017
Mt Ruapehu ski adventure
Kia Ora Blogging world last week our Senior syndicate went to Mt Ruapehu for a nice four day ski adventure. On the mountain my challenges were learning how to stop and learning how to turn using my ski's.
On our last day on the mountain I finally learnt how to stop and turn using my ski's, but most of the time on the mountain I was actually on my bottom. While we were on our ski adventure I actually also learnt some new facts about plants at the Hamilton Gardens. I really enjoyed our four day ski adventure especially when we had dinner and desert. But The only things I was disappointed about was that I got blisters from my ski boots, But I didn't give up on skiing. So that was my ski adventure, I hope you enjoyed reading my experience at camp.
Please feel free to comment blog ya later.
On our last day on the mountain I finally learnt how to stop and turn using my ski's, but most of the time on the mountain I was actually on my bottom. While we were on our ski adventure I actually also learnt some new facts about plants at the Hamilton Gardens. I really enjoyed our four day ski adventure especially when we had dinner and desert. But The only things I was disappointed about was that I got blisters from my ski boots, But I didn't give up on skiing. So that was my ski adventure, I hope you enjoyed reading my experience at camp.
Please feel free to comment blog ya later.
Friday, August 18, 2017
Student led tool-kit
Bonjour blogging world. This week on Thursday some of the kids from our senior syndicate were chosen to go to the student led tool-kits at New Windsor Primary School. At the student led tool-kits I learnt how to use incredibox and how to animate my name using Code-tastrophy. On Thursday I had a lot of fun learning how to do new things on my Chromebook and especially learning how to animate my name using code.
For our incredibox session we took a little too long than expected, because the internet connection was too slow, but we still got to play around the app. Once I finally got onto the incredibox app I played around with the app so much that I got two combos. Combos are when you put beats and voices together that makes a really good beat or rhythm. For code-tastrophy there were a lot of steps on how to animate your name, but once I got to see how my name looked at the end it looked really cool. I was really proud of myself that I followed all the steps correctly and I didn't mess anything up. So when it was the end of the sessions we all left the rooms that we were in. Then we quickly assembled back to where we first came from, which was the auditorium. Then we sat back down to watch each of our schools do a problem solving challenge. So after the problem solving challenge some of us got some prizes to leave with. So then after the problem solving challenge, we all got ready to leave.
Please feel free to comment Blog ya later
Kids coding
Friday, July 28, 2017
Traffic light Rubric
The Dark blue Highlight is my blog and the turquoise Highlight is a different blog.
I hope you really enjoy going through my blog traffic light.
Blog ya later.
Friday, July 7, 2017
My passion project
Kia Ora blogging world, This week in room Waitemata we have been working on our passions projects. In my passion project I have put in some facts and some images about my 5 favourite silver ferns netball players, Maria Tutaia, Katrina Grant, Kayla Cullen, Bailey Mes, and Phoenix Karaka. I hope you enjoy reading some facts about my silver ferns Idols and please feel free to comment. Blog ya later.
Friday, June 23, 2017
Rocket lab soars into space
Hello there Blogging world it's Claire here, and this week in reading we have been making info-graphics about the rocket lab soars into space article. In our info-graphics we have put some facts in about the the rocket, and we also put our facts into our own words. I also added some images to make it more interesting.
I hope you enjoy reading some facts about the article. please feel free to comment, Blog ya later.
I hope you enjoy reading some facts about the article. please feel free to comment, Blog ya later.
Michel's Biography
We all gathered all sorts of facts about Michel into a biography.
So I made a biography and now I would like to share it with the blogging world so please enjoy reading all these facts about Michel Mulipola. Blog ya later and please feel free to comment.
Friday, May 26, 2017
Our big move to our new classes Te Waka Ako
Hello there, This week my classroom and our syndicate team have all moved into our new amazing buildings. In the past 5 days we have enjoyed being comfortable in our new building and new furniture. To me the good things about being in our new buildings is that we can all be as a big syndicate team and do all our wonderful learning together. Before we moved into the new buildings we had an opening ceremony for our new classes. For the ceremony we had the kapa-haka team to perform a dance and sang two Maori songs. We also had the MP of Mount Roskill (Micheal Wood)To say a speech and to cut the ribbon for our new classes. The things that I don't really enjoy about the new classes is that we have to take our shoes off whenever we go into the class. I also really like how we have all the walls of the rooms coloured differently so we know what room we are in. Now that we are all together as a syndicate team I have to try and learn how to join into more bigger groups and be fair with everyone. Thank you for reading my blog post and please feel free to comment. Blog ya later.
Monday, April 3, 2017
My Disrupting dream
Hey guys Claire here.This week room 7 have been working on story starters, complex sentences , simple sentences and compound sentences.I made a story starter called Disrupting dream, I published it on my blog so you guys can hear what what dream is about.I hope you enjoy my slide.Feel free to comment.
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